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Pogosta vprašanja

K- 07 25 02 94

Pressure regulator inline
G 1/2″ -14 
3000 l/min 
работно налягане предварително настроено
4,0 bar 
Prenos datoteke PDF
Podrobnosti o izdelku za

K- 07 25 02 94

G 1/2″ -14
3000 l/min
работно налягане предварително настроено
4,0 bar
67,5 mm
27 mm
Vse lastnosti


Работно налягане
  • max. 25 bar 
Температурен диапазон
  • 0 °C to 80 °C 
  • алуминий 
останалите части
  • stainless steel, nitrile rubber, brass 
Customs tariff number
  • 84811099 
Vse lastnosti

Opis izdelka

Други данни при запитване.
The majority of pneumatic tools are connected directly to the compressed air supply by means of a quick disconnect coupling, in other words they tend to be supplied with a higher pressure than is actually required. Which increases consumption and leads to tool overload. Added safety is provided by the automatic self-relieving function. If the tool is disconnected from the hose, it continues to work for a short period, even though it has been switched off, owing to the residual pressure that is present on the tool side. Inadvertent operation of the tool can thus lead to serious injuries to the user (tackers or nail drivers can fire up to another ten shots). This effect can be prevented by using the inline pressure regulators, which have a preset pressure determined by the application, thereby achieving energy efficiency and economy.

Product variants

14 Results
Prikaz dimenzijske risbe
работно налягане предварително настроено
A (mm)
Podrobnosti / items
G 1/4″ -19 
600 - 800 l/min 
2.0 bar 
56,6 mm
Več informacij
G 1/4″ -19 
600 - 800 l/min 
3.0 bar 
56,6 mm
Več informacij
G 1/4″ -19 
600 - 800 l/min 
4.0 bar 
56,6 mm
Več informacij
G 1/4″ -19 
600 - 800 l/min 
5.0 bar 
56,6 mm
Več informacij
G 1/4″ -19 
600 - 800 l/min 
6.0 bar 
56,6 mm
Več informacij
G 1/4″ -19 
600 - 800 l/min 
8.0 bar 
56,6 mm
Več informacij
G 3/8″ -19 
2000 l/min 
2.0 bar 
63 mm
Več informacij
G 3/8″ -19 
2000 l/min 
4.0 bar 
63 mm
Več informacij
G 3/8″ -19 
2000 l/min 
6.0 bar 
63 mm
Več informacij
G 3/8″ -19 
2000 l/min 
8.0 bar 
63 mm
Več informacij

Shows 10 of 14

Column selection

работно налягане предварително настроено
A (mm)
SW (mm)