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Často kladené otázky

HK 9RV 02 A 23

Div.débit à engrenage 3,2 2comprt. 2 V
220 bar
270 bar
Débit par élément min.min.
3,5 l/min
Stiahnutie PDF
Podrobnosti o výrobku

HK 9RV 02 A 23

220 bar
270 bar
Débit par élément min.min.
3,5 l/min
Débit par élément nom.
7 l/min
Débit par élément maxi
19 l/min
Volume d'entrée par section
3,2 cm³
50 mm
240 mm
Všetky vlastnosti


  • avec un clapet de compensation de phases et un clapet anticavitation par section 
  • évacuation externe d'huile de fuite 
  • plage de réglage DBV : 7 - 210 bar 
Pressure difference
  • max. 30 bar (entre les sections) 
  • 2 sections 
  • group 1 
Customs tariff number
  • 84122981 
Všetky vlastnosti

Popis výrobku

Before commissioning the system, the first running-in of the gear flow divider should be under no load.
This flow divider is used to supply two independent hydraulic circuits with just one pump.
Division error approx. 3 %.
Different pressure settings for each section possible.
Valves adjustable from 70 - 210 bar, other setting ranges on request.
Modification to internal leak oil discharge possible - for this, close off port T with G1/2″ blind plug (modification recommended only after consultation!).
Configuration of gear flow dividers: qi = Q/z * 1000/n.
Qi = displacement/section [cm³].
Q = total input volume flow [l/min].
Z = number of sections.
N = rotating speed [rpm].
Dodatočné informácie
Recommended speed: 1800 - 2000 rpm

Product variants

5 Results
Zobraziť rozmerový výkres
p1 max. (bar)
p2 max. (bar)
Flow per element min. (l/min)
Flow per element rec'd (l/min)
Podrobnosti / items
220 bar
270 bar
2 l/min
4 l/min
Viac informácií
220 bar
270 bar
2.5 l/min
5 l/min
Viac informácií
220 bar
270 bar
3 l/min
6 l/min
Viac informácií
220 bar
270 bar
3.5 l/min
7 l/min
Viac informácií
200 bar
240 bar
4.5 l/min
8 l/min
Viac informácií
p1 = max. working pressure
p2 = max. peak pressure

Column selection

p1 max. (bar)
p2 max. (bar)
Flow per element min. (l/min)
Flow per element rec'd (l/min)
Flow per element max. (l/min)
Input volume per section (cm³)
A (mm)
Li (mm)
p1 = max. working pressure
p2 = max. peak pressure