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K- 07 10 09 79

Venturi Düse, zum Aufstecken auf d. Rohr
Acessório para
K-07100342 - K-07100345 
Venturi nozzle for deflecting lightweight chips. Fits directly onto the tube. 
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Detalhes do produto sobre

K- 07 10 09 79

Acessório para
K-07100342 - K-07100345
Venturi nozzle for deflecting lightweight chips. Fits directly onto the tube.


  • for plastic blow guns 
Customs tariff number
  • 84249020 

Variantes do produto

3 Resultados
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Detalhes / Peça
K-07100342 - K-07100345 
Chip shield, fits directly onto the tube. 
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K-07100342 - K-07100345 
Venturi nozzle for deflecting lightweight chips. Fits directly onto the tube. 
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K-07100342 - K-07100345 
Chip shield nozzle creates an preventing air flow. 
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