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  • Filtracija


105 izvedbi


7 kategorija


105 izvedbi

To je potpuno jasna stvar!

Hydraulic oils are an important component and are of crucial significance in the design, operation and maintenance of every hydraulic system. The care of this important operating medium is very often neglected, while, at the same time, the requirements for quality and purity of hydraulic oils continually rise: modern hydraulic systems are characterised by their shortened cycle times, higher temperatures and pressures, and more compact designs, with smaller tanks and higher speeds of revolution. These increased requirements have made 100% clean oil one of the essential factors for reducing system downtime. HANSA-FLEX can supply everything you need for effective oil care. This includes oil analysis sets, particle counters, filters and filter elements. Spin-on filters are notable for their compact design and high differential pressure stability and can be used in mobile and in stationary hydraulic systems. Various types of pressure filters are available and are designed for low pressure (up to 60 bar) and high pressure (450 bar) systems. Whether you require line filters, flanged filters or replaceable filters (screw-on cartridges) – HANSA-FLEX has the perfect filters for your requirements. If a pressure filter is not used, a return flow filter can collect all the dirt created in the system and flushed from the hydraulic equipment. Return filters are mainly designed for use as tank installation filters, where they prevent a disastrous dirt circulation taking place through the tank and pump.