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Flexible suction pad mountings
Posebna obilježja
vrlo dobra prilagodba na kosu površinu materijala 
automatski povratak u početni položaj 
vakuumska nepropusna izvedba s integriranom zaštitom od oštećenja 
for handling of work pieces with sloping using large-area vacuum gripper 
handling of large plates that can sag when lifted 
in combination with spring plungers to compensate height-differences and uneveness 
Customs tariff number
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Posebna obilježja
  • vrlo dobra prilagodba na kosu površinu materijala 
  • automatski povratak u početni položaj 
  • vakuumska nepropusna izvedba s integriranom zaštitom od oštećenja 
  • for handling of work pieces with sloping using large-area vacuum gripper 
  • handling of large plates that can sag when lifted 
  • in combination with spring plungers to compensate height-differences and uneveness 
Customs tariff number
  • 40169991 

Description du produit

Drugi podatci na zahtjev.
Flexible suction pad mounting. By flexing in all directions, this mounting allows the suction pad to better adapt itself to sloping workpieces.

Gamme de produits

2 Résultats
Afficher le plan coté
Moment savijanja (N/m²)
Okomito opterećenje (N/m²)
Unutarnji navoj 1
Vanjski navoj 2
Détails / Komad
8  N/m²
500  N/m²
G 1/4″ -19  
M 10 x 1.25  
En savoir plus
10  N/m²
750  N/m²
G 1/4″ -19  
G 1/4″ -19  
En savoir plus

Column selection

Moment savijanja (N/m²)
Okomito opterećenje (N/m²)
Unutarnji navoj 1
Vanjski navoj 2
H (mm)
Kut W (°)
L1 (mm)
L2 (mm)
SW (mm)