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K- 07 15 16 30

NormZyl. G3/8", Kolbd. 63mm, Hub 50mm
Ø pistone
63 mm 
50 mm
Filetto dell'attacco
G 3/8″ -19 
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Produktdetails zu

K- 07 15 16 30

Ø pistone
63 mm
50 mm
Filetto dell'attacco
G 3/8″ -19
Ø stelo pistone
20 mm
Filettatura esterna stelo pistone
M 16 x 1,5
Alle Eigenschaften


Pressione di lavoro
  • Max. 10 bar 
Stelo del pistone
  • acciaio C 45, cromato duro 
  • aluminium-profile tube with integrated T-groove, anodised 
  • POM (Ø 20 fino a Ø 63); Alu (Ø 80 fino a Ø 125) 
  • NBR 
Campo della temperatura:
  • -20 °C a +70 °C (Ø 32 a Ø 63) 
  • -10 °C a +70 °C (Ø 80 a Ø 125) 
  • aria compressa non oliata o oliata filtrata prego se aria compressa oliata controllare continuamente 
Pressione di intervento
  • 0,4 bar (ø 32 a ø 40), 0,3 bar (ø 50 a ø 63), 0,2 bar (ø 80 a ø 125) 
  • Heads / jacket with self-tapping screws 
Customs tariff number
  • 84123100 
Alle Eigenschaften


Altri dati su richiesta.
These cylinders are ideal for a wide range of applications owing to their robust design and excellent value for money. The standard type has a double-acting cylinder and features a magnetic piston as well as integrated cushioning. The magnetic switches can be mounted in two T-slots on the same side as the compressed air supply. Cylinders of the same type can also be supplied on request with fixing parts for magnetic switches on three sides. The version with a 125 mm bore is provided with fixing accessories on three sides as standard.


91 Ergebnisse
Maßzeichnung anzeigen
Ø pistone
Corsa (mm)
Filetto dell'attacco
Ø stelo pistone (mm)
Details / Pezzo
32 mm 
25 mm
G 1/8″ -28 
12 mm
Mehr erfahren
32 mm 
50 mm
G 1/8″ -28 
12 mm
Mehr erfahren
32 mm 
80 mm
G 1/8″ -28 
12 mm
Mehr erfahren
32 mm 
100 mm
G 1/8″ -28 
12 mm
Mehr erfahren
32 mm 
125 mm
G 1/8″ -28 
12 mm
Mehr erfahren
32 mm 
160 mm
G 1/8″ -28 
12 mm
Mehr erfahren
32 mm 
200 mm
G 1/8″ -28 
12 mm
Mehr erfahren
32 mm 
250 mm
G 1/8″ -28 
12 mm
Mehr erfahren
32 mm 
320 mm
G 1/8″ -28 
12 mm
Mehr erfahren
32 mm 
400 mm
G 1/8″ -28 
12 mm
Mehr erfahren

Zeigt 10 von 91 an


Ø pistone
Corsa (mm)
Filetto dell'attacco
Ø stelo pistone (mm)
Filettatura esterna stelo pistone