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Christmas / New Year shipping times
Our central warehouses will be closed from 23.12.2024 to 01.01.2025. Incoming orders will not be shipped during this period. If necessary, you are welcome to use our branch network during this time. Customer service will be available as usual.

Please note that our branches may have different opening hours during the holidays. For up-to-date information, we recommend calling ahead or checking the current opening times on Google Maps. Due to technical reasons, we are currently unable to update the opening hours on our website. Link to branch search on Google Maps


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K- 07 40 54 63

Filetto dell'attacco
R 2.1/2″ -11 
Ø esterno del tubo
110 mm 
22 mm
PDF downloaden

Selecteer a.u.b. een uitvoering

Artikeltabel weergeven
Productdetails over

K- 07 40 54 63

Filetto dell'attacco
R 2.1/2″ -11
Ø esterno del tubo
110 mm
22 mm
178 mm
125 mm
Alle eigenschappen


  • alluminio trattato in superficie 
Customs tariff number
  • 74122000 


3 Resultaten
Maattekening weergeven
Filetto dell'attacco
Ø esterno del tubo
B (mm)
L (mm)
Details / Pezzo
R 2.1/2″ -11 
80 mm 
22 mm
143 mm
Meer informatie
R 2.1/2″ -11 
110 mm 
22 mm
178 mm
Meer informatie
R 3″ -11 
110 mm 
23 mm
179 mm
Meer informatie

Column selection

Filetto dell'attacco
Ø esterno del tubo
B (mm)
L (mm)
SW (mm)