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HK SD1 K 24

Plug-in display output digital
saída 2x contacto de relé 24 V DC / 1A 
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HK SD1 K 24

saída 2x contacto de relé 24 V DC / 1A


  • corpo: alumínio 
Temperatura operacional máx.
  • 80 °C
  • para medidor de caudal de roda dentada HK VCA 
Customs tariff number
  • 90261021 


The on-site display for the gear flow meter HK VCA with plug-in connection in accordance with DIN 43650 is usable in the widest possible range of applications. The display is simply inserted between the plug and socket of the flow meter. As with standard meters, square wave signal output is available to allow external processing.
The plug-on display is freely programmable. All necessary settings can be made via two keys. The programmed data is stored in an EEPROM and is thus retained even in the event of a power failure.
Display: 7-segment LED.
Keypad: 2 keys behind front panel.
Supply voltage: 24 V DC.
Protection class IP64 DIN 40050.

Variantes do produto

2 Resultados
Exibir desenho dimensional
Detalhes / Peça
saída 0 - 20 mA / 4 - 20 mA 
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saída 2x contacto de relé 24 V DC / 1A 
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