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Oil binding agent natural fibres fine
Customs tariff number
Lejuplādējiet PDF

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Rādīt izstrādājumu tabulu


Customs tariff number
  • 27030000 

Produkta apraksts

Absorbs oil or similar substances on water and on the ground, as well as on traffic areas.
Officially tested.
Made from 100 % hydrophobic natural fibres.
Effective after just seconds.
Absorbs up to 4 times its own weight or 2/3 of its own volume (10 L absorb approx. 6.5 L of fuel oil / diesel).
Papildu informācija
The oil binder is suitable for:
Oils and lubricants: Hydraulic oil, mineral oil, crude oil, fuel oil, engine oils, oil-based lubricants, kitchen oils, animal oils, liquid paraffins and petroleum
Chemicals and emulsions: Alcoholic substances, organic solvents, turpentine, white spirit, fungicides
Fuels: Petrol, diesel, marine diesel, aviation fuel
Paints and others: Paints and lacquers, dyes, varnish resins, polyester resins, brake fluids, anti-freeze and coolants, solvents, extinguishing foam, blood

Product variants

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