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K- 07 40 51 87

Reductie G 3''-G 21/2''
Podrobnosti o izdelku za

K- 07 40 51 87

Filet 1
R 3″ -11
Filet 2
Rp 2.1/2″ -11


Domeniu de temperaturi
  • -20 °C până la +300 °C (la 20 bar) 
  • fontă maleabilă neagră B350-10 simbol design A 
  • conform ISO 7-1 
  • galvanizat la cald 
Numărul de tarif vamal
  • 73071910 
Vse lastnosti

Descrição do produto

Alte date sunt disponibile la cerere.
Acc. to DIN EN 10242 (formerly DIN 2950). The classic - and the most popular - screw fitting series for pipe construction. These fittings are characterised by their high mechanical strength and surface quality to DIN 2444. They are completely coated with a layer of pure zinc and are therefore suitable for drinking water. They are also protected against rust. The fittings are used in pipe construction, plumbing and gas installations as well as a wide range of industrial applications.
Dodatne informacije
Further types and dimensions on request.

Product variants

28 Results
Navoj 1
Navoj 2
Podrobnosti / Kos
R 3/8″ -19 
Rp 1/4″ -19 
Več informacij
R 1/2″ -14 
Rp 1/4″ -19 
Več informacij
R 1/2″ -14 
Rp 3/8″ -19 
Več informacij
R 3/4″ -14 
Rp 1/4″ -19 
Več informacij
R 3/4″ -14 
Rp 3/8″ -19 
Več informacij
R 3/4″ -14 
Rp 1/2″ -14 
Več informacij
R 1″ -11 
Rp 3/8″ -19 
Več informacij
R 1″ -11 
Rp 1/2″ -14 
Več informacij
R 1″ -11 
Rp 3/4″ -14 
Več informacij
R 1.1/4″ -11 
Rp 3/8″ -19 
Več informacij

Shows 10 of 28

Column selection

Navoj 1
Navoj 2