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Stainless steel spray
Rezistent la temperatură
up to +300 °C 
Numărul de tarif vamal
Prenos datoteke PDF

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Rezistent la temperatură
  • up to +300 °C 
Numărul de tarif vamal
  • 32089099 

Opis izdelka

Alte date sunt disponibile la cerere.
Provides all metal surfaces with permanent protection against rust and corrosion. This spray can be used to repair damaged stainless steel parts. It forms a quick-drying, adhesive, protective layer and is resistant to a large number of chemicals.

Product variants

1 Result
Dimensiune ambalaj
Conținut (ml)
Podrobnosti / items
Stainless steel spray 
400 ml 
400 ml
Več informacij

Column selection

Dimensiune ambalaj
Conținut (ml)