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BV 06-18 M

App. à cintrer D.ext.tb. 06-18 Boîte mét
dans une valise métallique 
pour Ø ext. du tube en mm
06 - 18 
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BV 06-18 M

dans une valise métallique
pour Ø ext. du tube en mm
06 - 18


  • Tube bending tool 6 - 18 
  • argent 
  • manual 
  • In vice 
  • Acier 
  • Aluminium 
Customs tariff number
  • 84622998 
Alle Eigenschaften


Notez qu'une bonne qualité de coude ne peut être obtenue que si l'on utilise également un matériau de tube pliable.
Le matériel tubulaire HANSA-FLEX de notre boutique en ligne et de nos filiales répond à aux exigences en acier et en acier inoxydable.
Nous vous recommandons le dispositif de pliage dans une mallette métallique robuste, ce qui permet de vérifier rapidement qu'il est complet.
This extremely lightweight and flexible tube bending equipment, is designed for use either in the workshop or in the field and can be used to precisely bend flexible hydraulic tubes.
The set includes six bending rollers with radii of between 33.0 mm to 51.5 mm for tight installation sites.
The 650 mm long manual lever reduces the force required to bend the tubes and helps the user easily achieve bending angles of up to 180°.
The tube bending tool can be used wherever a defective pipe cannot or may not be replaced with a hydraulic hose.
If a pipe was previously fitted, a hydraulic hose should only be installed as a temporary solution.
If the bent pipe is professionally installed, it will remain in the position it is fitted.
The bending equipment can be used in the construction, agriculture and forestry sectors, as well as for municipal technology and service and maintenance work.
A base plate for inserting into a vice.
A fixing roller (left-hand thread) as a tube stop
Six bending rollers for tubes with the following external diameters: Ø 6.0 - 8.0 mm, Ø 10 - 12 mm, Ø 14 mm, Ø 15 mm, Ø 16 mm and Ø 18.0 mm.
A bending lever with pressure roller
A printed product description and recommendations for use


2 Ergebnisse
für Rohr-Außen-Ø mm
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06 - 18 
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06 - 18 
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für Rohr-Außen-Ø mm