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Întrebări frecvente

HW DUESE 04 HN 15 055

HW-Düse, 1/4"AG NPT, 15°, D=055
Detalii produs la

HW DUESE 04 HN 15 055

Внешний Ø форсунки
1,39 mm
15 °


  • Нержавеющая сталь 
Область применения
  • Очистка и промывка 
Соединительная резьба
  • NPT 1/4″ -18 
Customs tariff number
  • 84249080 

Descrierea produsului

How do I choose the correct nozzle?
In the additional documents you can find the PDF »TI_HW_DUESE«. Please open the PDF.
Pre-requisite: pressure in bar and quantity output in l/min of the device needs to be known, e.g. 15 l/min (900 l/h) - 150 bar
1. On the first row (pressure in bar), jump to column »150«.
2. In column »150«, go to row »15.2«. This comes closest to 15 l/min.
3. In row »15.2« I go left to the first column and get to »055«.
4. I will require also a nozzle with size »055«.
5. The size »055« can be found at the end of the respective part description.
Форсунка высокого давления, сила удара = 100 %

Product variants

14 Results
Unghi de pulverizare (°)
Ø alezaj duză (mm)
Detalii / items
15 °
1,26 mm
Aflaţi mai mult
15 °
1,33 mm
Aflaţi mai mult
15 °
1,39 mm
Aflaţi mai mult
15 °
1,46 mm
Aflaţi mai mult
15 °
1,52 mm
Aflaţi mai mult
15 °
1,57 mm
Aflaţi mai mult
25 °
1,21 mm
Aflaţi mai mult
25 °
1,26 mm
Aflaţi mai mult
25 °
1,33 mm
Aflaţi mai mult
25 °
1,39 mm
Aflaţi mai mult

Shows 10 of 14

Column selection

Unghi de pulverizare (°)
Ø alezaj duză (mm)