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Sealing equipment

205 Исполнения
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205 Исполнения

Precise and safe: Sealing technology from the specialists

Seals are a fundamental functional element in hydraulics. Not only does the efficiency of hydraulic equipment depend on the pressure within the system remaining stable; reliable operation also requires the system to be leak free. When parts of the system leak, they increase the risk of expensive production downtime. But above all: reliable seals ensure safety at work and protect the environment. All the more reason for investing in high-quality sealing technology. HANSA-FLEX stocks more than 8000 different standard seals and is continually fine-tuning its portfolio to meet current requirements. Therefore, we can supply you from our current stock quickly and avoid stoppage time in most cases. HANSA-FLEX can, if necessary, manufacture special seals to the customer’s individual specification in our SEAL-MASTER manufacturing centre. The latest CNC technology allows HANSA-FLEX to produce one-off or mass-produced items in the shortest possible time.