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Koffer LR LC

Leerkoffer aus Kunststoff
Polypropylene case shell 
High-quality black plastic case with foam inlay made of nap foam. Interior with sewn-in stretch band and additional V-shaped compartment for instructions or documents. Case lid with screen-printed HANSA-FLEX logo. 
Colné tarifné číslo
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  • Polypropylene case shell 
  • High-quality black plastic case with foam inlay made of nap foam. Interior with sewn-in stretch band and additional V-shaped compartment for instructions or documents. Case lid with screen-printed HANSA-FLEX logo. 
Colné tarifné číslo
  • 42021250 

Popis výrobku

The KOFFER LR LC NS 10 empty case is a suitable spare part for the fluid extraction set in the plastic case and SRS-PARA clamp sample case.
The empty case KOFFER LR LC NS 15 is a spare part for the promotional product grease gun SET with case (FP SET).
As a replacement case, only the foam insert in the bottom of the case needs to be replaced.
Empty case for safe transport and optimal protection of products
Case shell made of polypropylene
Connected by plug-in hinges
Case colour: black
Screen printing with HANSA-FLEX logo
Attractive promotional or factory trolley case
Dimpled foam on the base and cover
Stretch band and V-cutout for documents

Product variants

3 Results
Zobraziť rozmerový výkres
B (mm)
B1 (mm)
H1 (mm)
T (mm)
Podrobnosti / Kus
280 mm
270 mm
185 mm
80 mm
Viac informácií
385 mm
365 mm
245 mm
110 mm
Viac informácií
420 mm
410 mm
272 mm
120 mm
Viac informácií

Column selection

B (mm)
B1 (mm)
H1 (mm)
T (mm)
T1 (mm)