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Öl Havarie Kit

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Oblast primene
  • Industrija 
  • Shipping 
  • Harbours 
  • Production 
  • Transportation 
  • Logistics 
  • Construction and agriculture 
  • public waters 
  • Oil & gas industry 
  • always operationally ready 
  • made from environmentally friendly materials 
  • high absorption capacity 
  • mobile and versatile uses 
Customs tariff number
  • 42022290 


Our oil spill recovery kit offers a quick and effective solution for containing and cleaning up oil spills. It is ideal for use in industry, shipping and on land. The kit contains oil absorption mats and oil booms as well as gloves and garbage bags for safe disposal. It is ready for immediate use, has a high absorption capacity and is mobile and versatile. Made from environmentally friendly materials, the kit is suitable for shipping, ports, industry, production, transport, logistics, public waters and the oil and gas industry. Invest in safety and environmental protection with our high-quality oil spill recovery kit.
The kit was put together by experienced HANSA-FLEX service technicians and is optimally adapted to the requirements of industry, construction and agriculture.
Oil binding mats (10 pieces), socks (2 pieces of 120 cm each), oil binding agent made of natural fibres (2 l), hydraulic work gloves, garbage bags


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