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TKM 09 OV 06 HB 45

Temp. coupling fem w/oV D=9 AGR1/4" 45°
Connecting thread
G 1/4″ -19 
SF gek.*
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Produkta detaļas uz

TKM 09 OV 06 HB 45

Connecting thread
G 1/4″ -19
SF gek.*
Working pressure
15 bar
Connector dimension
9 mm
17 mm
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Connection 1
  • BSPP male thread, parallel 
  • brass 
Sealing form 1
  • 60° inner cone 
Temp. range
  • Oil: -20 °C to +200 °C 
  • water: (0 °C to +150 °C) 
  • Air: max. 200 °C 
  • angle 45° 
Customs tariff number
  • 74122000 
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Produkta apraksts

Papildu informācija
The indicated working pressure refers to the coupling only and is dependent on the selected connection types.
Pasūtījuma informācija
Other pressure and temperature values available upon request

Product variants

2 Results
Rādīt uzmērījumu zīmējumu
Connecting thread
SF gek.*
Working pressure (bar)
Informācija / items
G 1/4″ -19 
15 bar
Uzziniet vairāk
G 3/8″ -19 
15 bar
Uzziniet vairāk
DN = nominal diameter, nominal width
HEX = SW = width across flats
SF gek. = safety factor coupled

Column selection

Connecting thread
SF gek.*
Working pressure (bar)
Connector dimension (mm)
SW (mm)
DN = nominal diameter, nominal width
HEX = SW = width across flats
SF gek. = safety factor coupled