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Plug-in coupling sleeve
Additional feature
limited pressure loss 
high-flow valve unit 
mechanical locking system 
push-pull function 
can be coupled under pressure 
interchangeable with Parker RSD 501 
agricultural technology 
Connection 1
Metric male thread, parallel 
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Additional feature
  • limited pressure loss 
  • high-flow valve unit 
  • mechanical locking system 
  • push-pull function 
  • can be coupled under pressure 
  • interchangeable with Parker RSD 501 
  • agricultural technology 
  • industry 
Connection 1
  • Metric male thread, parallel 
Flow rate
  • max. 240 l/min, in combination with SKS Agrar 
  • steel 
Max. working pressure
  • max. 250 bar 
  • ISO 7241 Series A 
  • electro galvanised 
Temp. range
  • -30 °C to +100 °C 
Customs tariff number
  • 84812010 
Wszystkie właściwości

Opis produktu

With standard threaded connections in determining the operating pressure of the maximum rated pressure is taken into account.
The redesigned one-hand coupling socket can be coupled to the coupling plug under full operating pressure. Other advantages include the breakaway function and the lower coupling and uncoupling force.
Informacje dodatkowe
The coupling Agrar exceeds the requirements of ISO ISO 7241-1 series A and ISO 5675 for the agricultural sector and is uncompromisingly designed for maximum efficiency. The Agrar male connector and Agrar sleeve system achieves a maximum volumetric flow of 240 litres per minute - a record level. Operation in heavy-duty tractors and implements such as tippers, is now safe.
The indicated working pressure refers to the coupling only and is dependent on the selected connection types.
The coupling sleeve is available in two different overall lengths and therefore compatible with customary market built-in couplers.

Warianty produktu

1 Wynik
Wyświetl rysunek wymiarowy
Connecting thread
Flow rate
SF gek.*
Szczegóły / items
M 22 x 1.5 
max. 240 l/min, in combination with SKS Agrar 
Więcej informacji
DN = nominal diameter, nominal width
SF gek. = safety factor coupled

Column selection

Connecting thread
Flow rate
SF gek.*
D (mm)
L1 (mm)
SW (mm)
L2 (mm)
DN = nominal diameter, nominal width
SF gek. = safety factor coupled