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Flexible suction pad mountings
Özel Nitelikler
very good adaptation to oblique workpiece surfaces 
automatic Rückstellung in die Ausgangslage 
vacuum-tight design with integrated protection against damage 
for handling of work pieces with sloping using large-area vacuum gripper 
handling of large plates that can sag when lifted 
in combination with spring plungers to compensate height-differences and uneveness 
Customs tariff number
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Özel Nitelikler
  • very good adaptation to oblique workpiece surfaces 
  • automatic Rückstellung in die Ausgangslage 
  • vacuum-tight design with integrated protection against damage 
  • for handling of work pieces with sloping using large-area vacuum gripper 
  • handling of large plates that can sag when lifted 
  • in combination with spring plungers to compensate height-differences and uneveness 
Customs tariff number
  • 40169991 


Diğer bilgiler, istek üzerinedir.
Flexible suction pad mounting. By flexing in all directions, this mounting allows the suction pad to better adapt itself to sloping workpieces.

Product variants

2 Results
Ölçü çizimini gösterin
Bükme momenti (N/m²)
Dikey yük (N/m²)
Dişli 1 iç
Dişli 2 dış
Ayrıntılar / adet
8 N/m²
500 N/m²
G 1/4″ -19 
M 10 x 1.25 
Daha fazla bilgi edinin
10 N/m²
750 N/m²
G 1/4″ -19 
G 1/4″ -19 
Daha fazla bilgi edinin

Column selection

Bükme momenti (N/m²)
Dikey yük (N/m²)
Dişli 1 iç
Dişli 2 dış
Açı W (°)
H (mm)
L1 (mm)
L2 (mm)
SW (mm)