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Compact ejectors »CP«, digital vacuum switch with air-saving function
aluminium anodised 
handling of air-tight or slightly porous work pieces in fully automated handling systems 
e. g. in the robotics, automotive, packaging, electronics, electrical engineering and metalworking industries 
vacuum generator with integrated control valves and system monitoring functions 
gripping and blowing off can be controlled without the need for external valves 
optimised air consumption thanks to many models with differing suction capacities 
minimum energy costs in continuous operation thanks to automatic air-saving 
easy adjustment with foil keypad and LED display of the settings 
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  • aluminium anodised 
  • handling of air-tight or slightly porous work pieces in fully automated handling systems 
  • e. g. in the robotics, automotive, packaging, electronics, electrical engineering and metalworking industries 
  • vacuum generator with integrated control valves and system monitoring functions 
  • gripping and blowing off can be controlled without the need for external valves 
  • optimised air consumption thanks to many models with differing suction capacities 
  • minimum energy costs in continuous operation thanks to automatic air-saving 
  • easy adjustment with foil keypad and LED display of the settings 
Customs tariff number
  • 84141089 


Further information on request.
Mini-sensor with housing, connection cable and analogous / digital output signal. Smallest dimension and low weight at high measuring accuracy.
Purely pneumatic vacuum generator that operates on the Venturi principle. Purely pneumatic vacuum generator that operates on the Venturi principle. Compressed air enters the ejector at A and flows through the nozzle B. This results in a vacuum immediately behind the nozzle outlet, and air is drawn in through the vacuum inlet D. This air and the driving air leave the ejector via the silencer C.
Important: please order two connection plugs per ejector.
A plug and cable is included with the compact ejector with automatic air-saving.
NC blow-off valve, filter, silencer, non-return valve integrated.


6 Ergebnisse
Maßzeichnung anzeigen
Pneumatic connection
Air consumption suction (l/min)
Max. suction capacity (l/min)
Nozzle size
Details / items
G 1/8 IG 
117 l/min
65 l/min
Mehr erfahren
G 1/8 IG 
117 l/min
65 l/min
Mehr erfahren
G 1/4 IG 
190 l/min
116 l/min
Mehr erfahren
G 1/4 IG 
190 l/min
116 l/min
Mehr erfahren
G 1/4 IG 
310 l/min
161 l/min
Mehr erfahren
G 1/4 IG 
310 l/min
161 l/min
Mehr erfahren


Pneumatic connection
Air consumption suction (l/min)
Max. suction capacity (l/min)
Nozzle size
Suction valve rest position
Vacuum port
Working pressure (bar)