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K- 07 15 20 76

Feed block for
Feed block with 5 valve positions 
For valve connection
G 1/8″ -28 
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Productdetails over

K- 07 15 20 76

Feed block with 5 valve positions
For valve connection
G 1/8″ -28


Customs tariff number
  • 84819000 


Further information on request.
Not suitable for the way-valves in robust design.
Quick and easy assembly system for side-by-side mounting of the above control valve types. Requires one set of mounting brackets and a feed block.
Aanvullende informatie
Important: The scope of supply does not include a connector. Please order separately.


12 Resultaten
For valve connection
Details / items
Feed block with 2 valve positions 
G 1/8″ -28 
Meer informatie
Feed block with 3 valve positions 
G 1/8″ -28 
Meer informatie
Feed block with 4 valve positions 
G 1/8″ -28 
Meer informatie
Feed block with 5 valve positions 
G 1/8″ -28 
Meer informatie
Feed block with 6 valve positions 
G 1/8″ -28 
Meer informatie
Feed block with 7 valve positions 
G 1/8″ -28 
Meer informatie
Feed block with 2 valve positions 
G 1/4″ -19 
Meer informatie
Feed block with 3 valve positions 
G 1/4″ -19 
Meer informatie
Feed block with 4 valve positions 
G 1/4″ -19 
Meer informatie
Feed block with 5 valve positions 
G 1/4″ -19 
Meer informatie

Shows 10 of 12

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For valve connection