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Întrebări frecvente


PTO shaft gearboxes
aluminium housing 
for European standard gear pumps size 3 
Customs tariff number
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  • aluminium housing 
  • for European standard gear pumps size 3 
Customs tariff number
  • 84834021 

Descrierea produsului

Direction of rotation:
Pump anti-clockwise rotating - PTO shaft of the gearbox clockwise rotating
Pump clockwise rotating - PTO shaft of the gearbox anti-clockwise rotating
Indicaţie pentru comandă
Gear unit is supplied without oil (SAE 85 W-90 is recommended)
A coupling hub BF3 is required for the connection between pump and gearbox.

Product variants

3 Results
Afişare desen la cotă
n1 max. (r/min)
M1 max. (Nm)
n2 max. (r/min)
M2 max. (Nm)
Detalii / items
540 r/min
437 Nm
2,057 r/min
115 Nm
Aflaţi mai mult
540 r/min
437 Nm
2,057 r/min
115 Nm
Aflaţi mai mult
540 r/min
437 Nm
2,057 r/min
115 Nm
Aflaţi mai mult
M1 = max. input torque
M2 = max. output torque
n1 = max. input speed
n2 = max. output speed

Column selection

n1 max. (r/min)
M1 max. (Nm)
n2 max. (r/min)
M2 max. (Nm)
Connection, drive side
M1 = max. input torque
M2 = max. output torque
n1 = max. input speed
n2 = max. output speed