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K- 07 15 26 08

Two hand safety valve with 2 push button
Complete pushbutton panel with safety valve 
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K- 07 15 26 08

Complete pushbutton panel with safety valve


  • Pneumatic 
Protok nom.
  • 85 l/min
  • filtrirani, nepodmazani komprimirani zrak 
  • brzi priključak za crijevo 4 mm 
Radni tlak
  • 2,5 - 8 bara 
Temperaturno područje
  • -10 °C do +60 °C 
maks. vremenski pomak ulaznog signala
  • 0,4 
Customs tariff number
  • 84818099 
Sva svojstva

Opis proizvoda

Drugi podatci na zahtjev.
This pushbutton panel according to EN574 Type III A is comprised of a dual manual control valve with a housing and manifold. The valve only generates an output signal if two synchronised input signals are received within < 0.4 sec. If one input signal is interrupted, the output signal is interrupted as well. An emergency stop valve with a mushroom pushbutton is included. The housing can be screwed to the wall in any position. The valve manifold can optionally be supplied without the housing and with a DIN bar adapter. Applications: Two-hand safety valve for start-of-cycle control on a pneumatically operated machine.

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Complete pushbutton panel with safety valve  
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